How to care for a Persian cat?

When a new feline arrives to take up residence, it’s almost always necessary to bear in mind the different types of care it’s going to be needing. The case of the Persian cat, one of the most popular cat breeds due to their beautiful coat and easygoing nature, is no exception, and so that’s why it’s important that you know what specific care in particular a Persian cat needs.

Besides the furnishings that any cat can need, such as a litterbox, scratching post, toys… a Persian cat is always going to need for you to pay a great deal of attention to grooming its coat, and when I say a great deal, I mean great.

A Persian cat’s fur

As you well know, this breed is characterized by its long, fine hair, which is a trait making them highly attractive but which often causes them to get tangles, which can even affect their skin as well as their health.

That’s why it`s necessary for you to spend a while every day brushing their fur with a soft, natural-bristle brush and untangle any knots before they get too big. It goes without saying that if your cat is allowed to go outdoors, this process will be even more important in order to get rid of anything which may have gotten caught in its hair.

Why is brushing so important? Because Persian cats often wind up having to have their hair cut to get rid of the tangled knots that form in their hair. Besides, if very large knots form, they can pull on the cat’s skin and even been painful for your cat.

Another of the risks involved in not keeping your cat’s coat in good shape are those fearsome hairballs, which can cause stomach problems but which can be easily avoided by brushing the loose hair out of their coat every day.


As you well know, we cats are very clean animals and don’t need for you to bathe us unless we’ve gotten ourselves into some mischievous mess and are really dirty. In this case, it is highly important to brush your Persian cat thoroughly before bathing, because quite the opposite of what you may think, bathing will not do anything but tangle your cat’s hair even more.

Bear in mind that your cat may not like being brushed or may not be used to a brush. So, you should try to get it used to this brushing routine from very early on in life and go about it calmly so that it will become a simple, pleasant process.

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