Cat pipettes are a very important part of the pet deworming process. They are very easy to apply. You must always use products that are specifically for cats that do not cause adverse effects to the health of the animal.
Find out what the function of cat pipettes is, how they work and how to apply them at home as directed by veterinary professionals.
Keep your pet’s health and safety in check by making proper use of external antiparasitic agents.
What are cat pipettes?
Pipettes are small single-dose plastic containers containing a liquid to kill external parasites. This is the most efficient way to apply the antiparasitic on the skin, allowing it to spread subcutaneously to act against external parasites such as fleas and ticks among others.
These pipettes have a protective effect, but also eliminate any parasites that the animal may already have. The product, totally innocuous for the animal, reaches the blood, where it acts by killing the parasites in an effective way.
How often should I apply pipettes?
The duration of the effect of a cat pipette will depend on the manufacturer. There are some that only have a duration of 4 weeks, and others that can last up to 3 months.
Choose the type of pipette that is best for your cat according to its weight and the state of its health, always following the recommendations of the veterinarian.
Applying a cat pipette step by step
It’s so easy to apply cat pipettes, you won’t have to go to the vet every time it’s time to reapply. Take advantage when your pet is resting or relaxed to avoid stress during the procedure.
Prepare the pipette beforehand, breaking the application nozzle. You will have to apply it in an area where the animal cannot clean itself with its tongue, which is why the preferred zone is the nape or the top of the head.
Separate the fur well and apply the antiparasitic directly on the skin. Allow it to dry completely and prevent the area from getting wet for a couple of days.
Possible side effects of pipettes
Today’s cat pipettes are very safe and pose no risk to the animal. However, some pets with some hypersensitivity may suffer adverse effects, mainly due to the ingestion of the product if they lick the area.
Some cats may suffer from hyper salivation, and even lose a small amount of hair in the area where you usually apply the pipette. If the signs are mild you should not worry at all.
It is important to pay attention to symptoms of pipette poisoning in cats, as they negatively affect their nervous system. This poisoning includes symptoms such as dilated pupils, vomiting, uncoordinated movements, increased respiratory frequency and excessive drooling.
If you notice that your pet begins to feel ill after the pipette is applied, clean the area where you have placed the product and go to your vet for a check-up immediately.
At Sepicat we care about the health of pets, and that’s why we always recommend that you consult a veterinarian if you have any questions about cat pipettes.