The primordial pouch in cats; what is it and what is it for?

Have you ever noticed a peculiar feature in some cats, where their bellies sway from side to side as they stroll? Many assume this flabbiness indicates an overweight feline, but that assumption couldn’t be further from the truth. Meet the primordial pouch, a distinctive trait found in certain cat breeds.

The primordial pouch typically manifests in adulthood, resembling an excess of skin, regardless of the cat’s weight history.

Let us delve into the fascinating aspects of this peculiar characteristic, enabling you to identify it in your own beloved feline companion.

Understanding the Primordial Pouch

If your cat has reached maturity, chances are it already possesses a primordial pouch beneath its belly. Located just in front of the hind legs, it consists of an accumulation of skin and fat. Although sometimes concealed beneath the fur, it becomes more apparent when observing the cat’s gait, as it sways rhythmically from side to side.

Unraveling the Purpose of the Primordial Pouch in Cats

The primordial pouch is a genetic trait passed down from the early wild cat breeds. While its function in modern cats is no longer vital, it still serves a purpose on occasion.

Energy Storage:

Owing to its fatty composition, the pouch allows cats to store energy reserves, ensuring survival during extended periods without food.

Enhanced Mobility:

As a surplus of skin, the primordial pouch grants cats greater flexibility and elasticity in their abdominal region, facilitating stretching and maneuvering.

Protective Shield:

This additional layer of skin and fat offers protection to the abdomen during confrontations with other cats or animals, reducing the risk of injury.

Prominent Breeds with Primordial Pouches

Through the evolution of contemporary cat breeds, the primordial pouch has become more pronounced in certain feline lineages. Purebred cats, in particular, often exhibit this feature, although it is gradually diminishing due to evolutionary factors.

Breeds commonly associated with prominent primordial pouches include the Egyptian Mau, Japanese Bobtail, Pixie Bob, and Bengal cat. Additionally, mixed-breed cats with a blend of these lineages may also display this characteristic, more frequently observed in males than in females.

Does Your Cat Possess a Primordial Pouch?

Now, take a moment to examine your feline companion. Does it too bear a primordial pouch beneath its belly?


Frequently Asked Quest

What is a primordial pouch in cats?

A primordial pouch is an accumulation of excess skin and fat found in the abdominal area of certain cat breeds, appearing like a hanging belly that sways when they walk.

Is the presence of a primordial pouch an indication of overweight cats?

No, the presence of a primordial pouch is not necessarily an indication of an overweight cat. It is a genetic trait that can be observed in both lean and overweight felines.

Can the primordial pouch be reduced or eliminated through weight loss?

The primordial pouch is not solely caused by excess weight, so weight loss may not eliminate it entirely. It is a natural anatomical feature that may become less noticeable as the cat’s overall body condition improves, but it is unlikely to disappear completely.

Can a cat develop a primordial pouch later in life?

Cats generally develop primordial pouches around six months of age, which remain present throughout their lives. However, it is worth noting that you may observe changes in your cat’s belly pouch as they age. Older cats tend to have more noticeable or pronounced pouches, and the same can be observed in obese cats or those who are pregnant.

Are there any health concerns associated with the primordial pouch?

Generally, the primordial pouch is a natural characteristic and does not pose any health concerns. However, it is important to monitor your cat’s overall body condition and consult a veterinarian if you have any concerns about their health or weight.

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160 Responses

  1. My male cat is mixed with siamese and no tail Manic. His name is Jax. His primordial pouch hangs close to the floor. When he runs or trots his belly flops back and forth. He looks strange when he does. He is a long cat with an awesome personality.

    1. My calico cat has a fatty stomach she has been fixed. I’m just concerned she is 9 months old. Is this something I should be concerned about.

    1. My shorthair cat lived for 21 years and had a pouch, I called it her undercarriage. I thought it was due to her age, a bit like my baggy tum.
      Now I have a Bengal, he definitely has one too.

        1. I have a female calico cat,got her from a shelter, she was fixed when I got her at 5, months,she also has a pouch, she’s she’s 4 now

  2. Thank you for this explanation. I thought my cat,a male, was broken because of his pouch.

  3. I have a feral kitten who is now 7 months old and when I rescued her at three months old had a bid belly. I had her spayed and later dewormed which she did have. Her belly continued to grow. She’s had an X-ray that showed nothing. She eats, plays hard , and shows no pain. I’m trying so hard to find out if she’s really okay.

    1. Thanks for the info! I have an all black cat we adopted from Stray Rescue. He is 7 months old now and I noticed the primordial pouch about a month ago. Other cats I have had before didn’t have that and it worried me. Glad to know it’s normal!

    1. Our 10 yr old male cat has always had the primordial pouch
      As he ages seems to drop further Nuggs is a good looking cat

  4. Yes, our two born feral tuxedo cats have it, one more pronounced than the other which sways gracefully from side to side when she walks or trots. And yes, my any people who see her comment on hiw fat she is and that I’m making it up.
    Bob in Shaker Hts, OH

  5. My nine years old Calico, who only weighs seven and a half pounds sports that pouch. She is not much motivated by any kind of food and simply eats to live. I’m glad to be able to tell people that she isn’t out of shape now but wears a documented primordial pouch!

  6. I’m a gay father to my sweet baby angel Louise. I always wondered what they were but I never get over sending my friends close up pictures of a hairy boob and zoom out to my cat. Her primordial pouch has been a blessing on our depression.

  7. She does and it’s HUGE!!!
    but now I know it’s just a strange genic thing

    1. It is completely normal since the procedure changes and slows down your cat’s metabolism, both male and female cats can experience a sudden weight gain for no apparent reason.

  8. Yes my cat has that and he was a rescued cat from South Carolina as a kitten and we adopted him at a rescue in Seabrook NH where we live he is tabby that looks like a bobcat with his fur colors

  9. Yes… I was really concerned after she was spayed, as she contacted an infection. After antubiotics, she was fine but evidently as she grew the rest of her 1st year, this pouch developed. Until I spoke to family member, who had heard of this, I was quite concerned she may have a growth… now so greatful it’s not that!. thank you for all this info!

  10. yes he does he will be 3 in September had that pouch when I got him at the humane society. looks like he had bariatric surgery.

  11. Yes. He’s got a HUGE chunk of loose fatty skin . I always grab it and jiggle it. He seems to think its some sort of display of affection. I just do it bcuz it’s all flappy and jiggly! Lol. He’s a light orange cat with very distinctive stripes and dots in a reddish /brown color. He’s my buddy. His name is Rocco Paco

      1. I have an elderly cat rescued through Cats Protection early last year – he had been very badly neglected and fed only irregularly and has a very pronounced pouch, especially when he trots when it sways from side to side. Your description of this has been very informative and most reassuring. I had been thinking it was something sinister but this has set my mind at rest. He is a beautiful tuxedo cat, but sadly he has no teeth due to the neglect he suffered and I have named him Moonshine to make him feel special! He is now very happy and much loved.

  12. Yes he has this pouch, his Vet told me he’s fat and needs to be put on a diet. He weighs 19.88 pounds. He is 9 years old i believe. Do you think he needs a diet?

    1. It truly depend on your cat’s size and breed. But, if you notice that your cat has mobility issues, weight loss could be beneficial for your little friend.

  13. My cat I believe is an English Bombay cat and has an obvious pouch that sways when she walks. She also has a Bombay sway-like walk that makes her pouch sort of flap back and forth. She also had a very shiny black coat when we first got her.

  14. Yes, and the one in eight we now have is a little three year old female. Her sister is less bulky than she with a slender build.

    We have had a number of cats in the years gone by that had this pouch. Thought it was too much food. One old girl was a big Persian mix.

  15. It’s can remove ? And how ? Pls tell me my cat is female she is 2month only but she have a big primordial pouch in under the back side leg

  16. It’s can remove ? And how ? Pls tell me my cat is female she is 2month only but she have a big primordial pouch in under the back side leg can you please tell me about this problem

    1. Since it is completely normal for a cat to have a primordial pouch, we do not recommend removing it. What can be done is keeping an eye on your cat’s diet, an excess of weight combined with a primordial pouch could be the reason why your cat has mobility issues.

  17. Yes, my cat has this. She was a stray that we domesticated. When we first gained her trust we took her to the vet for shots and whatever treatment she needed. She’s now an indoor/outdoor pet. She is a Bengal style cat. Very finicky but friendly to us. She doesn’t care much for strangers. When I first noticed her hanging belly I thought she was pregnant. It’s nice to know that she is normal.

  18. One of my current 4 has a pouch…the others have tight bellies . All are shorthair domestics…all rescues no specific breed bloodlines. 2 oddeyed white with a pouch. The other 2, one black female and one white male have no pouch at all.

  19. Female, 4yr old, has pouch. Runt of her litter, small cat. She is short hair, multi colored and her pouch is all rust in color which makes it so obvious. She isn’t purebred, she was born in my yard. Why would she have a pouch? Thanks!

    1. Having a primordial pouch is completely normal! No particular reason that your cat has it, it will actually helps her in many things such as protection and food storage.

      1. It’s also very helpful if your cat likes to jump from high places. They’ve done studies that show cats will hit terminal velocity and use the flap both as an air catcher (like a parachute) and a cushion when it lands.

  20. I have a pure breed Devon Rex Cat. She’s a fatty and definitely has this primordial pouch. Although coz she’ is fat hers is very noticeable. She pretty much had it since about the age of 5hrs I think. She’s now 11 yrs old.

  21. Hi. My cat has a primordial pouch. I was scared he was just so fat and the vet put him on a diet. So it’s normal and I don’t have to worry? Thank you carrie

    1. When having a primordial pouch it is important to maintain a healthy weight range, since both conditions combined could cause a mobility problem. Make sure to consult your veterinarian to see if your cat is healthy or needs to be put on a diet.

  22. Yes, my cat has quite a large primordial pouch. He is just a lovely black and white tuxedo cat and I think he will not have to use his pouch for extra supplies as he is extremely well fed.

  23. Yes, Jasmine, my 8 year old female has a primordial pouch. She has semi long, thick fur and has some dark markings on her sides that have Bengal appearance.

  24. My cat is an unusual mixture he mother was a registered Savanah with Egyptian Mau, Siamese and Bengal in her history and her sire was a Japanese Bobtail. I guess that qualifies her for a primordial pouch.

  25. My cat has this pouch. All along my husband and I thought she was overweight. I’m glad to learn this is common.

  26. My one year old half mainecoon boy has a huge pouch. He is also very long like a fox. I’m worried it will be dragging Along sweeping the floor as he gets older

  27. We own a 16 month old Ginger coloured cat that has a pronounced pouch. She is a large cat for a female. My husband thought it was abnormal or caused when she was spayed.

  28. I was watching my links Siamese the other day hunt birds over the fence. And when she started to go over the fence her pouch spread out flat to keep her from falling forward. Strangest thing I’ve ever seen. So they are also used for balance in hunting.

  29. I breed munchkins and currently have 8 adult cats, a mix of standard and nonstandard, in my house right now, spread from 1 through 6 years old. The only one that has the pouch is the boarder that’s overweight. I’ve never personally seen this pouch in an active cat at a healthy weight, at any age. Every picture I see showcasing it, the cat is clearly overweight, or shows signs of having been overweight.
    Now, that’s not to say that it has no merit as as protective layer, but I have difficulty believing it’s completely healthy. And none of my cats have any flexibility issues. That extra skin isn’t in a location where extra flexibility is needed. The spine and hips are by no means impeded without it.

  30. Thank you for your posting of great information. I have had my cat since she was 6 weeks old and she will be 7 on February 17. She has very prominent pouches as well as her Mom and Dad. I never knew why she had pouches. Thank you again.

  31. I have a female Bengal and she does have the pouch in the place you describe.
    It’s good to get this information as we’ve talked about it and hadn’t come to a conclusion.
    Kind regards
    Dave Formula

  32. I have a 13 yr old spayed Calico and she definitely has this pouch. She also is not overweight at around 9.5lbs which the vet is okay with. I think its more common than this article leads on

  33. My little boy is almost 10 months and has had the saggy bag since he was 5 months..of course he looks heavier but we know why now….
    He is adorable and wouldnt have him any other way…

  34. My 12 year old Gray Domestic Shorthair, Mrs. Pooh, has this dangling belly, which I never knew was a natural feature of cats until today! Meanwhile I’ve been calling her “flabulous” Ther rest of her is lean and muscular but she has this blobby little cute pouch that I like to squish when I pick her up! It’s awesome to know that it’s just a normal feature of cats. More reasons to love cats!

  35. My Bobcat/Tabby male cat has this pouch and there is a solid mass about the size of a human testicle, tor lack of a better comparison. A veterinarian recently examined him to check his bladder to take a sample of urine and said nothing about this mass. What can this be? If it were a tumor it seems that she would have mentioned this.

  36. Yes, my female Calico cat has such a pouch. She was a stray cat who came into my house through my doggie door on her own accord.

  37. My first cat to have this, she lays prone with feet extended, also a first, don’t think it,s an issue but definitely a first

  38. Yes, way back April 14, 2020 I saw a stray kitten beside national road not later than 2weeks old instead of accident will happened to her anytime I brought her to my home now she’s with complete vaccine and anti rabbies and already spay.. Will celebrate her birthday this coming April 14 and I noticed that her belly is unusual sometimes I massage her.. This link is very informative now a days many furparents does not educate about this or lack of information all they know is to bring their furbaby in vet.. Will spread this info for the benefit of others.. Thank you so much❤️

    1. Thank you very much Josel! Your cat is very lucky to have landed you as a mom! Keep reading our blog to know more interesting and useful tips to become an even better owner.

  39. My adopted 9 year old cat came with a history of sometimes urinating outside of litter box. Although not fat she has a marked primordial pouch. This female cat will almost always urinate on the wall of the litter box. If the box doesn’t have high sides the urine lands outside of box. She has been checked for urinary infections but is always negative. I’m a retired veterinarian and I believe she urinates on the wall of box because she always stands up to urinate. The cat is very clean and I believe she stands up to urinate so she doesn’t soil her primordial pouch with kitty litter. In all my years of practice I never considered that urinating outside of litter box could be do to a very clean cat not wanting to soil their primorail pouch. We solved the problem by making litter boxes with very high sides using plastic storage boxes from Walmart for $5. Has anybody else experienced this problem

  40. You’re wrong, that’s not why they have that pouch and you know it. Why don’t you be honest for a change and tell the TRUTH!!!!!

  41. My current and previous cats both have/had primordial pouches. The current cat is a very large neutered male, with a very thick, long coat. Officially he is “domestic long-haired” but strongly resembles a Maine Coon. My previous cat was a short-haired spayed female, black and white but with the head and face shape of a Siamese and a Siamese voice and personality. My vet told me that they were overweight, and each was put on a diet that reduced their overall plumpness but the pouch never disappeared. (The current male now has mild diabetes and has slimmed down a lot, but the pouch is still there.) None of the other cats I’ve had as an adult had this pouch — one DLH male, one purebred Persian male, and one half-Abyssinian female. It seems to be a random genetic quirk.

  42. Yes, my 3 females cats all have this primordial pouch. They are sisters and I’m not sure of the breed. They are solid black short hair. Their brother, who I also have, is a tuxedo and he does not have this pouch but he is a big cat otherwise.

  43. I THINK so…..though we are noticing it only recently. She is a Flame Point Siamese, 6 years old who was badly mauled 3 years ago with 7 wounds from left flank to anus, weighed 5# when we found her. Had surgery, leaving a large soft area on her left flank where all the infected tissue, skin, etc was removed. All but the right front leg and paw were paralyzed until after successful surgery and she has fully recovered. She is spunky and inquisitive and well. Only within past week or so have we noticed this soft, hanging pouch covered by the pink of her belly where he nipples are located. Does not bother her at all, but concerns us! Should we take her to her vet for a diagnosis?

  44. Yes. Marty came to us as a kitten whose mother was férile. The primordial pouch was evident when he joined us at 4 months. He is a grey tabby.

  45. Yes. My 8-month old Orange Tabby female cat has a pouch under her belly and isn’t overweight but has a hanging pouch. She was a feral kitten that I adopted at a shelter when she was 4-months old. I e only been noticing her pouch a few weeks ago. Your article helps me to understand her belly better.

  46. Yes. My 3, year old Dora has a pouch. However she is female, black and white, and seems to be a domestic shorthair. I rescued her from a shelter. That is totally different from your description.

  47. Very surprised to read about the primordial pouch being more prevalent on males. I was certain the excess skin was due to our cat having been fat and lost the weight. Our cat is a rescue and was completely matted and malnutritioned when we got him. Since then, he has gained weight and is a lovely animal. He is long haired and does mat easily so that has been a challenge. I never liked cats and would never have had a cat but truly love this cat. We have named him, “Pepper”, he is completely black and is such a good cat that I think we got really lucky. He had no front claws and has never had an accident in the house. I think he must have been a very special cat to someone and I cannot imagine having lost him.

  48. Mine is a mix breed predominately Maine coons. His is very noticable with 5he long fur. His father was an orange tabby who also has the pouch. Both are high energy breeds it seems. And hefty eaters.

  49. My cat is mine and she got spayed when she was about 9 months old and now her belly hangs almost to the ground. Should I be concerned?

  50. Yes. She is an 8 year old domestic shorthair. She developed the pouch about a year ago when we adopted her. There is not much fur on the pouch, in fact hardly any.

  51. Yes my kitten is 11 months old she already got this primordial pouch & this makes my kitten look fat x

  52. My kitty is a purebread siamese, she’s 4. I adopted her mom not knowing she was pregnant (she came from a home with a male siamese). I named her baby, then she had babies by surprise! I didn’t notice she was even pregnant due to a mix of her shyness, her small litter (siamese twins haha) and most of all, her fluffy primordial pouch!

    Like I said, now her daughter is 4, and she has the fluffiest, softest pouch. Such a shame she’d sooner roundhouse kick me into the sun than willingly let me pet it

  53. My cat has the pouch but when I feel it she goes mad, when I have managed to get near her when she’s fast asleep there feels like a lump in there which I am concerned about, she won’t let me brush her stomach but loves being brushed everywhere else is this normal?

  54. My calico female has the pouch. I call it her swaddle. Can this pouch cause her to not to jump up? She seems scared to jump up.

  55. My male kitty is a 16 year old Manx. He is a one human kitty! He has a primordial pouch that is well prominent! He’s become lazy with his age and has gained a good bit of weight. He’s given me many years of companionship and is well loved!!

  56. My Calico/tortie has it also! Everyone comments that she is fat! The vet said she is not overweight! I laugh when I see her run and the pouch swings back and forth! Love her so much

    1. She seems to be an incredible companion, many times her primordial pouch can be mistaken for obesity but as long as you take care of her diet and take her to the vet she will be able to keep jumping and running everywhere.

  57. My cat is a mackerel tabby I rescued about a year ago. I grew up with dogs and never had a cat. I noticed she is developing a belly pooch and just wanted to see if it was normal. She’s turning into a little chow-hound, and I wondered of the pooch could be the start of a pregnant-belly but I guess not.

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