Yes, baby kittens are the sweetest and the cutest. Cutie pies, as they say. However, there can be many, many reasons why a human will prefer a grown cat for a pet. We grown-ups also have our charms!
- We grown-up cats have a harder time getting adopted. We’re just as gorgeous, but many of you prefer a baby kitten, so we get left at the shelter really pining for a chance to be part of your family. We have our little feelings too you know, so please choose a big cat.
- Young kittens can be little rascals. Yes, it’s true that when we’re kittens, we’re adorable, but it’s no less true that we’re like bulls in a china shop. If you want a more calm and collected cat that already knows the ropes, then a grown-up cat is what you want.
- Like any baby animal, baby kittens require a lot more attention. If you’re someone who doesn’t have a lot of time or if you don’t want to have to be going out of your way taking care of your pet, then choose an older kitty.
- If dirt, dust or kitty litter make you nervous, bear in mind that a little kitten has not as yet mastered the art of effectively licking itself, so you certainly have no other choice than to befriend a grown cat who already knows how to spend hours grooming itself.
- We grown-up cats know how to use the litterbox. I don’t believe I need to explain any further. You know what I mean.
- If you have small children, baby kittens are in jeopardy because your babies think that our babies are toys and can hurt them. In this case, a grown cat can take care of itself better in a family setting.
- If you are a sympathetic person, think about the fact that many grown cats wind up at the shelters, all alone through no fault of their own. Do yourself a favor and take one of them home. You’ll have a very thankful friend for life.
These are some of the reasons that come to my own mind in favor of your choosing to adopt a grown cat, but I’m sure that if you give it a little thought, you will think of many more.