Consejos para educar a un gatito

Cats are very independent animals, but like other pets, they can also be educated from an early age.

Especially in the case of those kittens that will live at home, whether with other humans, children or animals, it is necessary to get them used from the beginning to good practices.

The sooner you start with the education of a kitten, better results you will get regarding their behaviour in adulthood.

It is important to keep in mind that this process requires patience, care and time. Puppies have to learn what the world is, what they can and cannot do, so this process can take a long time.

In addition, cats are not willing to rules, but they are capable of respecting the little “rules” that we put in the home as long as we can satisfy all their needs.


How to educate a kitten

According to experts in feline ethology, there are some tips to educate cats that are very useful for their caregivers:

  • Scold:

Scold your cat immediately when he/she does something wrong. There is no use in scolding him/her a bit later, because the cat does not understand what he/she has done wrong.

You must “surprise” him when he is doing what we do not want.


  • Always act the same way:

Choose a word in order to scold your cat, saying it with the same tone of voice so that the feline associates it with bad behaviour.

Also, although we see that it is a small and adorable kitten, you should not make exceptions. If you do, you may confuse your cat.

For example, if you don’t want him to scratch the sofa, tell him off every time he does it without exceptions. Make it clear from the beginning what he can and cannot do at home.


  • Do not shout at him/her or punish him/her:

Cats are not like children, and they do not associate this type of punishments with something they have done wrong.

As for the screaming and spanking, they only make cats annoyed or cause fear to humans.

If you want your cat to love and understand you, you should never do this or it will hate you and avoid being around you.


  • Educate positively:

The best way to get your cat to behave well is to reward him/her when he/she does something right. It is a very common practice to educate kittens on the use of their litterbox, of their new scraper, or in order to teach them a new trick.

Just as we must make them understand what we do not think is good for them to do, when they learn something the right way we must have a treat, a caress or a kind word at hand.


By following all these recommendations, you will get an educated kitten that respects the house rules.

But as we said at the beginning of the article, it is good to keep in mind that not by following these tips once you will understand it. It is a slow process and requires patience until they finally get the right habits.

We hope that this article has helped you to know in general terms how to educate a kitten and for more tips or help about cats, do not hesitate to consult our blog.

And you, what tips do you usually use to educate your kitten?


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