How to protect your cat from external parasites

Although the changing season and arrival of cold weather tends to reduce the number of external parasites, the truth is that it’s important to protect your cat all year round, since you may otherwise have some unpleasant surprise ahead.

We’re warm and toasty animals and have a wonderful coat of fur, so even though we stay in the house, you should go over our fur once in a while and take the right measures to prevent those “bugs” from nesting on us and being able to transmit diseases to us and to the rest of the family.

What are the most common external parasites?

It’s not that I wish to dwell on these pesky disease-carriers, but those most repeatedly found are fleas, ticks, mites and lice. And besides one itch or another, they can cause us allergies, skin irritations, anemia, skin lesions, middle ear infections and even internal parasites or more severe infectious diseases. So, get with it and keep those parasites at bay!

Ways of keeping your cat parasite-free

Before choosing any of the following methods, it’s important that you take your cat to see the veterinarian to examine its case so that they can recommend what’s best and show you how to apply it correctly, thus avoiding any possible intoxications or lessening the effectiveness of the product used.

For prevention, the most effective products are the pipettes that are applied to our fur and protect us from fleas and ticks for more or less one month. The oral tablets usually have the same effect as the pipettes and can last up to 3 months. The anti-parasite collars are also quite effective for these parasites and can remain effective for 4-8 months, depending on the brand you choose.

In the event that your cat already has any of these parasites, you should take your cat to see your veterinarian right away for an examination and for the vet to recommend a product to rid you cat of them. The products used in this case are usually sprays which are sprayed on your cat’s fur or specific soaps you will have to use in immersion baths to get rid of these dangerous unwanted house guests.

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