Spring is here! and you probably want to spend more time with your cat in the garden. There are plants that help the body of cats but some others pose a risk to their health.
Cats are curious animals by nature and with certain instincts, and have a special weakness for plants, but you should know that the reason why cats chew plants is not to feed themselves, it is due to some intestinal problems they have.
Plants are the best way to purge their intestines and promote the transit or expel the hairballs that they swallow when cleaning, it is very important for a cat to purge because the hairballs cause discomfort in the intestine.
If you are a plant lover, we have a blog on our website where we explain the different types of poisonous plants, we explain the characteristics of each one and the most common plants that you can have at home.
Below, we detail what are the risks and symptoms that a cat could present and the most common effects if they chew or ingest poisonous plants . That is why it is very important that, if you have different plants at home, check with your veterinarian if he has any type of toxin that may affect your kitten.
Do not miss it!
How to know if your cat has been intoxicated?
The most frequent form of poisoning in cats is by consumption, but some can occur through eye contact, through contact with the skin or even if they drink the water from the vase, so you should be careful and know how to act in case of poisoning . Most of the symptoms can be detected easily, for example inflammation, irritation or redness of the skin or mouth.
Some other symptoms may present:
Excessive salivation / difficulty swallowing
Dilated pupils
Very thirsty and dehydrated
Threw up
Difficulty breathing
Irregular heartbeat
What to do if your cat ingests a poisonous plant
If your kitten suffers an intoxication, the symptoms could appear in the first 12 hours after ingestion, it is important to take it immediately to the vet.
The best way to provide help to our cat will depend on the substance and quantity ingested. We leave you some tips that can help, while we wait for the arrival of the veterinarian:
- Remove any debris that may remain on the fur, mouth, or skin.
- Identifying the type of plant that has caused the poisoning is very important, since the toxic mechanism of each plant is different and will determine the treatment.
- If the cat vomits, you can take a sample to the vet either from the plant, vomit or both.
- You should not give him home remedies.
Be that as it may, it is better to avoid dangerous plants for your cat, offer cat grass as it is easy to grow indoors as well. You can find it in many pet stores. We hope this article has been of interest to you and be sure to visit our blog for more information and advice on cats.